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Tuesday 25 November 2014

Ubuntu Tips & Tricks - WIP


  • Ubuntu 14.04 does not contain the ffmpeg package any more. Its replacement is libav-tools package. In software, that expects ffmpeg to be able to deal with mp3 format, references to /usr/bin/ffmpeg should be replaced with /usr/bin/avconv.

Perl Packages

  • Ubuntu 14.04 contains an obsolete Mojolicious version:
 perl -MMojolicious -e 'print Mojolicious->VERSION. "\n"'

    gives 4.63

This version, when using $c->delay, produces error:

 Can't locate object method "delay" via package "Mojolicious::Controller" at ...

  The latest one at the time of writing is 5.69.
  Installing the latest Mojolicious version fixes the problem:
  sudo cpanp install Mojolicious

Installation of the latest Go language version

  • bash < <(curl -s -S -L
  • add the following line to  ~/.bashrc:   
                   [[ -s "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm"
  • cd; . ./.bashrc
  • gvm version
  • gvm install go1.4
  • gvm use go1.4
  • go version
  • check if  /usr/local/bin/go exists and what it points to
                    sudo ln -s ~/.gvm/gos/go1.4/bin/go  /usr/local/bin/go

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