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Saturday 7 February 2015

A note to myself on Caching

In Perl, a good module to use is CHI, a wrapper around specific data storage. This means there is one API to access the cache and the particular data store is hidden from the application.
  • Local system

  •     use CHI;
        # Choose a driver
        my $cache = CHI->new( driver     => 'FastMmap',
                              root_dir   => '/path/to/cache',
                              cache_size => '1k'
        my $cache = CHI->new( driver  => 'Memcached::libmemcached',
                              servers => [ "",
                                           "" ],
                              l1_cache => { driver   => 'FastMmap'
                                            root_dir => '/path/to/cache' }
        my $cache = CHI->new( driver   => 'BerkeleyDB',
                              root_dir => '/path/to/cache'
        my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'Memory',    global => 1 );
        my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'RawMemory', global => 1 );

    CHI::Driver::FastMmap          Shared memory inter-process cache via mmaped files
    CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB        Shared memory inter-process cache via Berkeley DB
                                                      environment using the Concurrent Data Store (CDS), making it
                                                      safe for multiple processes to read and write the cache without
                                                      explicit locking
    CHI::Driver::Memory               In-process memory based cache
    CHI::Driver::RawMemory        In-process memory based cache that stores references
                                                      directly instead of serializing/deep-copying)
  • Distributed systems

  •     use CHI;
        my $cache = CHI->new(
            driver => 'Memcached',   # or 'Memcached::Fast', 
                                       or 'Memcached::libmemcached'
            namespace => 'products',
            servers => [ "", ""
                         [ "", 3
            debug => 0,
            compress_threshold => 10_000,

Code examples taken from: CHI module on CPAN

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