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Thursday 27 April 2017

Problem with github not labelling the repo language correctly

GitHub uses the Linguist library to classify a repo. It does so by comparing percentages of the various language files (goes by extensions perhaps among other things). So if the repo contains more HTML files than Go files, which was my case, then is is classified as an HTML repo. Not good.


Add a new file to the repo called .gitattributes with following content:

*.html linguist-language=Go

Alternatively, for a nodejs repo:

*.html linguist-language=JavaScript

Cannot sign into my blogger - admin console obstacle

So I wanted to add a new post to my Google blog (this one) after a longish break. It turned out I could not. At least, not easily. I was doing this on my new laptop and, unlike on my previous one, I had also used my work Gmail account here. This, unexpectedly, complicated things. I could not sign into the Blogger even when I was signed out of my work Gmail account. Weird but true.

It turns out, that Google gets confused by the two accounts if they are used in the same browser. You are on your Blogger page and click on Sign in. It shows you both of your Google logins. You choose your private one, because that one is associated with your blog. Then you are told that you cannot log into the Admin console with your ordinary Gmail.


Happy ending

  1. Sign out of all your Google accounts. Well, I did that to be on a safe side
  2. Use another browser (I encountered the problem in Firefox, so I used Chrome)
  3. Sign into Google+ using your private Gmail
  4. Voila! Going to my blog page showed I was already logged in. And - I was logged in when I visited my blog in Firefox too.